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APRIL, 1997


Hewlett Packard Email Mentor Program

The HP E-Mail Mentor program creates one-to-one mentor relationships between HP employees (worldwide) and 5-12th grade students and teachers throughout the United States to help motivate students to excel in math and science. HP employees also mentor teachers who seek to incorporate current technology into the classroom.

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Set up as a "Win-Win" situation for Hewlett Packard employees and K12 education, the mentor program was designed to increase motivation in students to excel in math and science through genuine encouragement from a professional employee, provide better understanding of the working world and career opportunities, develop a concept of education that goes beyond the traditional classroom and to inspire students to take charge of their own learning, among other benefits. The process for joining the program is as follows: A teacher submits the on-line school contact application An HP E-mail Advisory Board will review the school contact application to ensure compliance with specific program requirements If the school contact application is approved, the school contact presents the program to targeted student protgs. (No more than 10 students should be assigned to each school contact. Additional school contacts must be designated if more than 10 students participate at that school) The students apply for protg positions via the "HP E-mail Mentoring Program" homepage. The protg applications are validated and then matched with HP mentor applications. Matching is based on shared interests and specific match criteria found in the mentor and protg applications. A "HP Mentor Matches for School" message is sent to each mentor/protg pair. The deadlines approach quickly so if you are interested at all look the site over now.