APRIL, 1997 Updated JUNE, 2007
Cyber Film School https://cyberfilmschool.com/
This is not an actual school but has links for newspapers and trade journals, movie critics and reviews, film databases and websites related to movie making.
This site is very advanced as far as the use of current HTML features. In fact, the site lists its configuration recommendations stating because it uses frames, image maps and color tables, only advanced Web browsers would provide the best quality.
The home page contains the most information and has links to every other part of the website. Navigational text and bars are on each page, allowing the user to get around quite easily.
The Cyber Film School website uses both original movie making information and links to outside film and video resources to create a place for film students, film buffs, film teachers and film lovers to find what they need. Cyber Film School contains a lot of information but also includes a section on tips to make the most of it. The site was created in 1995 by a Toronto film maker and media teacher to provide "useful and practical film making information to amateur and professional movie makers worldwide." Some of the larger sections include original articles written especially for Cyber Film School and full of great film making tips; Classroom which focuses on film making technique including screen writing, production and sound & editing; the Artist in Residence which lets visitors email general film making questions directly to a film professional who responds online via a special forum; and, Script Showcase which gives new writers and undiscovered screenplays a place to promote. This site certainly meets the needs of its intended audience; it's a great resource for media teachers too.