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Reviewed March, 1998
Link updated September, 2005

Updated JUNE, 2007

Viking Network Web

The Viking Network web site explores the life of Vikings around the world, and encourages participation in Viking Projects with students around the world.

This site is simply designed with a gray textured background and few graphics to slow down the viewing.

Navigation within this site consists of clicking on hypertext words within the body of the text. Use a series of Index pages to learn the structure of the site.

There are two major areas within The Viking Network Web. The "Get to Know the Vikings" section is where students can learn all about the Vikings, and the era in which they lived. There are descriptions of their everyday life --- their world, religion, food, clothes, and housing. Another area called "Viking Visits" explores Viking travels, raids, and trades. Careful use of the Index pages will reveal more information than you'll realize is available at initial glance. A nice added feature is a Viking Quiz, which will test students on information they have learned at this site, and a note to math teachers. (A math quiz is also available, using Vikings as its theme!) Also, look for a "Maps" button at the top of the page. Here you will find various maps of the world in Viking times. The "Viking Projects" area of the site encourages students to submit writings about Viking local history or other Viking stories and artwork, although I found no artwork currently on the site. In summation, there is a wealth of information on Vikings on these pages, and with a little exploration, there is much to learn.