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March, 1998

Stories, Folklore, and Fairy Tales Theme Page
GRADE LEVEL: K-12 & Professionals

This site provides a comprehensive set of links for educators who are surfing the Web for online fairy tales.

With a white background and colorful headers and bullets, this site is attractive and easy to read.

This is a one-page site, and while it is lengthy, a well-designed layout makes it very easy to find desired resources.

At the Stories, Folklore, and Fairy Tales Theme Page, users will find links to curriculum resources and instructional materials related to the study of Fairy Tales. Each link provided here is very high-quality, and is a jumping off point to hundreds of additional stories and resources. This site is not just for elementary level students and teachers; it also provides links to a more philosophical study of Fairy Tales, as well as links to Fairy Tales from cultures around the globe. Sit back, enjoy, and know that you are well-connected when you use this site as a resource for Fairy Tales in the classroom.