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MARCH, 1997


Education Place

Resources for parents, teachers and students.

Small, colorful graphics and well-defined groupings.

Each page has similar layout, home menu button on each page for navigation.

The subheading of this site is "Free Internet Resources for K-8" and there is information on a variety of subjects and interests. The main page has links to a math center (includes brain teasers, math links, math project watch), a reading/language arts center (includes author spotlight, literature resources, games, reading links and reading project watch), a social studies center (includes current events, games, social studies links, social studies project watch and maps), technology center (includes funding and grants, K-8 tech support, games, specific subject technologies and resources). In addition to the subject areas there is also a Parents' Place and a Project Center. The site includes an activity search to look for appropriate activitites by age, subject or theme. There is also a guided tour to get users familiar with the site. To live up to a name like Education Place this website would have to be very useful to educators, parents and students. It is.