February, 1999
Electronic School http://www.electronic-school.com/ GRADE LEVEL: Professional
Check out this Internet version of Electronic School, a quarterly educational technology magazine for K-12 schools. This is the place to get practical advice on the implementation and use of technology in your classrooms.
Electronic School is set up in a standard magazine format, but with few graphics.
The current issue is on the main page and has a navigational bar at the left. Archived issues have navigational links at the top and bottom of each page.
This is a roll-up-your-sleeves and get-down-to-it -- technology in the schools type of magazine. You'll find lots of good practical advice about setting up technology in the classroom, from wiring a school for the Internet to choosing the best software titles. The main page lists all the major articles in the current issue, plus links to archived editions, a search feature, software reviews, discussion and chat forums, a listing of technology related meetings around the country, and other education links. To subscribe to the hard copy edition, or to request updates when new copies are posted on the Internet, click on "about" in the upper left corner of the main page. This is a site worth tracking.