February, 1999
ADHD / Special Needs Resources : Kids Who Thrive "Outside the Box!" http://home.att.net/~shagberg/ GRADE LEVEL: K-12, Parent & Professional
Every teacher who has ever had, or ever will have, a child with ADD or ADHD in their class should check out this insightful resource full of articles, discussion lists, links, and good advice.
The site features a variety of pleasant backgrounds. The text is laid out in easy-to-read bulleted lists.
Each page has a navigational bar at the bottom with links to the main subject headings. Some links go to outside resources so be prepared to use your browser's back button.
Kids Who Thrive "Outside the Box!" is produced by Laurie Shagberg, a teacher who didn't believe in ADHD until her son was diagnosed with it. She has put together an excellent resource, with an unusual depth of understanding on the subject. Both parents and teachers can gain a lot from this site. Be sure to check out the message boards to read other people's comments and questions. The Life With ADHD section is full of anecdotes from teachers and parents of kids with ADHD, as well as a few insightful ones from kids who grew up living with ADHD. This is a site worth bookmarking and coming back to for inspiration from time to time.