February, 1999
Aaron Shepard's Storytelling Page http://www.aaronshep.com/storytelling/ GRADE LEVEL: K-12
This literature site is targeted at people interested in the art of storytelling. Aaron Shepard, a well-known children's author, offers online versions of his picture books adapted for storytelling. He also has an informative section for storytellers, including tips, articles, and a bibliography of story collections.
Simple layout with few graphics and easy-to-read text. Each story has downloadable posters with illustrations from the original picture books
The individual pages have navigational bars at the top and bottom.
Aaron Shepard's Storytelling Page is a great place to get started as a teller of tales. Many of Mr. Shepard's stories are retellings of folktales from around the world. He also includes several original stories with American folk themes. The stories are well suited to oral renditions. The Tell A Story! guide is an excellent resource with helpful advice about storytelling and covers topics such as choosing the right story and creating dramatic effect within your story. Storytelling is a particularly useful teaching tool in the younger grades and, when done well, appeals to all ages. A great resource!