January, 1999
Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program https://conserveturtles.org/sat1.htm GRADE LEVEL: 3-12+ |
This site includes information about sea turtle species, biology, habitat, and migration patterns. Teachers can send away for a free Educator's Guide to the site, which includes lesson plans and activities. Classrooms can adopt a turtle and keep track of its movements using satellite tracking information found on the site.
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The rich blue background, with turtles swimming up the sides, makes you want to jump right into the site!
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Each page has a link back to the main page at the bottom. The educational section ---Background Information on Sea Turtles and Their Habitats--- is particularly well organized.
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The Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program is an excellent resource for teaching about endangered species. Students have an opportunity to gain an awareness of individual creatures in their struggle for survival. Classes can adopt a turtle for a small fee and gain an even closer relationship to the plight of these gentle creatures. Information about individual turtles tracked in the project is available online, so students can follow their movements over time. Teachers should request the Educators Guide; it takes about 4-6 weeks to arrive by mail and contains turtle facts, cross-curriculum lesson plans, activities, worksheets, and a glossary of terms for grades 3-12.