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January, 1998

Odyssey in Egypt

This is the information that was accumulated from an online, interactive archaeological dig in Egypt.

The site uses tables on a dark background to display the information. The background offsets the logo graphic and gives the site an earthy feel.

The information on the home page is organized into weeks of the project. Each week has its own page and displays its topics in a table format. Each page has a navigational menu at the top.

The Web site was created as an interactive archaeological dig. The creators sent pictures and text from Egypt on a weekly basis. The information came from a Scriptorium Center for Christian Antiquities excavation of a 4th century Coptic monastery at Wadi Natrun, Egypt. The "Odyssey in Egypt" Web site was a pilot program to link middle schools in Western Michigan with an active archaeological excavation. Teachers will find lessons based on the dig in each weekly page. Users will learn about Egyptians who live, work, and study near the excavation. Even though the project is no longer live the information here will help history and geography teachers create interesting lessons. Students and teachers of culture studies will also find lots of useful material here.