January, 1998
New Information and Communication Technology in Africa http://www.untpdc.org/incubator/africahp/main.htm
GRADE LEVEL: Professionals
This Web site presents updated information on the current state of technology and Internet activity in Africa.
The color scheme uses a dark background and light-colored text. The home page has a map of Africa as its central graphic. Most of the site is text-based.
The home page lists the major sections of the site. Each section has its own page with a menu listing the subcategories for the area. Viewers must use the back button on their browser to return to a prior area.
The Web site is set up as an online library with access to references concerning the Internet, communication, and information technologies
happening on, or concerning, the African continent. (Might change last phrase to "happening on or related to the African continent" -no comma needed-only because as worded here you've used the word "concerning" twice in the sentence.) The site has information on agencies, research institutes, donors, and governments currently involved with technology. Those organizations provide online documentation, articles, and papers to the site, giving users easy access to research. URLs for home pages of organizations and projects are available so that users can find additional information. The site is available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Viewers interested in the technology advances of Africa and developing countries will find valuable information here. Educators, students, and researchers looking for information on Africa will find country profiles and access to newspapers and periodicals.