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"On the Way to School"
- Citizen's Guide to School Reform


Articles on the current state of education in America and the world.

Framed page, minimal graphics, small text.

Left frame keeps the four section links handy, top frame is title, right frame contains articles.

According to the author "the bad news about public schooling is familiar to people all over the world: from low academic achievement to sky-high spending, and a declining ability to meet the needs of families." He is Andrew J. Coulson and publishes this site with articles he has written about solving the problems. The author has been a contributing editorial board-member of the Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA), an education journal covering school reform issues and is currently writing "On the Way to School: History's Verdict on Markets Versus Monopolies in Education", hence the title of the website. The book is meant to "bring together public opinion on education with two and a half thousand years of historical evidence to find out how schools should be organized to best meet the needs of families around the world" with a focus on the relative effectiveness of public school systems versus markets of independent and competing schools". One article on the site "Markets Versus Monopolies in Education: The Historical Evidence" comes from research for the book. The author states he is"strongly committed to making schools serve families as effectively and efficiently as possible" and is putting a lot of work into that goal.