October 2001

This innovative safety site from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a companion to RiskWatch, a comprehensive injury-prevention program for children in pre-school through grade eight.
The site is cleverly designed and features eye-catching colors, animations, and graphics. Macromedia's Shockwave plug in is required to play the games.
All the major areas of the site are easily accessible from the main page. Each subsequent page has a left-side menu, and links to information on the various kinds of safety covered are found at the tops of the pages.
This site has a wealth of information on safety basics and injury prevention that will interest parents, teachers, and caretakers. There is also a special section just for kids. Topics such as fire prevention, poison prevention, water safety, bike and pedestrian safety, and more are addressed. Teacher Tools provides age-appropriate, safety lesson plans that encourage growth in core subject areas and is designed to help teachers implement injury prevention in their classrooms. The lesson plans, correlated to language arts and health standards, are grouped according to age appropriateness and include interactive activities and activity sheets for the students. Parent Pages gives statistics for injuries and provides tips for preventing injuries. Kids Only contain games and quizzes to encourage children to stay safe. This site is one you'll want to bookmark!
Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
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