Updated December 30, 2003

Energy Quest https://www.energyquest.ca.gov/index.html GRADE LEVEL: K-8
This site, from the California Energy Commission, would be a great supplement for the science curriculum on energy. It includes background information, art contests, games, science projects, teacher and parent resources, and more.
The site is cute and colorful with bright thumbnails that represent the different sections of the site.
Navigation is easy with a graphical interface that will appeal to kids. All sections of the site are accessible from the main page, and each internal page links back to the home page.
Energy Quest has a wealth of information on energy that would be a rich resource for science teachers or students. Students can test their knowledge in the online game show Watt's That? or Watt's That Jr.?, or they can explore
The Energy Story, an online text with 15 chapters covering such topics as geothermal energy, fossil fuels, hydro power and ocean energy, nuclear energy, solar energy, and wind energy. In addition to the information text, each chapter of The Energy Story includes pictures and diagrams to enhance understanding and a summary of major concepts. For young students, there is the Smarty Electric Safety Coloring Book. The Science Projects include information on what makes a good science project as well as hands-on projects students can do at school or home. Project topics include battery life, how to make lightning, how to build a solar hot dog cooker and steam powered rocket boat, and many more. Also included are step-by-step instructions for setting up an Energy Patrol in your school.
Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
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