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September 2001
Updated JUNE, 2007

Virtual Dr
GRADE LEVEL: Professional, Advanced

Part of the larger MyDesktop.com, Virtual Dr provides tutorials and helpful solutions to the most common computer problems.
This mostly text site has a simple layout set in frames. Windows Media Player or Real Player is required for viewing some of the tutorials.
Users can access the featured tutorials from the text links on the main page; the internal pages have a top navigation menu.
This is the place to find the answers to your computer problems, whether you are a novice or a skilled user. The Virtual Dr offers tutorials on such topics as cleaning up your Windows system, using handhelds, upgrading your PC, and installing and improving a network. There are forums available for discussing both hardware and software issues. Additionally, users will find helpful tips on different operating systems and the opportunity to subscribe to a free weekly newsletter of technology help.

Reviewed by Hazel Jobe
Education World®
Copyright © 2001 Education World