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S I T E     R E V I E W

June 2001

GRADE LEVEL: Professional, Parents

YouthLearn provides information and resources for those involved in out-of-school programs for youths.
The professional layout is vibrant, colorful, and informative.
YouthLearn is divided into three main sections: Learning, Kids' Creations, and Technologies. A color-coded navigation bar is provided at the top of the main page and the left side of the subsequent pages.
Anyone who is starting or planning to implement an out-of-school program that integrates technology will benefit from the information found here. The Technologies section gives step-by-step directions for setting up and maintaining an out-of-school technology learning center. Teachers looking for new ideas and practical techniques will find them in Teaching Techniques, Planning Guides, Activities and Projects in the Learning section. Kids' Creations features examples of kids' pictures, poetry, and projects created in the community learning center programs.