May 2009 GRADE LEVEL: K-5
This site, created by Lowe's Home Safety Council, teaches home safety in a fun, interactive way.
AESTHETICS: is very colorful and attractive. It is heavily dependent on the Flash plug-in for its activities, so it works best on a high-speed connection.
The bottom navigation menu, repeated at the top of internal pages, takes users to the main sections of the site.
Let Rover the Home Safety Hound teach your students to make safe, smart choices in and around the home through games, activities, online contests, crafts, and do-it-yourself projects. Visit the Safety Zone to print a home safety checklist and template for creating your escape plan, to read about other kids who are home safety heroes, or to submit a story or artwork. Users will also find family projects and an online safety encyclopedia for answering your safety questions. Rover will take kids on a personal tour of his house as he challenges them to find all the safety hazards. Students won't want to miss the Games section. Parent and teacher sections are also included.