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April 2001

Digital Cameras in the Classroom
GRADE LEVEL: Professionals

Created by elementary teacher Doug DeCamilla, who teaches at Longfellow Elementary School in Brunswick, Maine, this site offers other educators tips and resources for using digital cameras to support the curriculum.
This site is not very glossy, but it is easy to navigate and offers lots of information about using digital cameras in the classroom.
The main page has topics listed as links, and subsequent pages provide a link back to the home page.
Not sure where to begin using that digital camera? This site is full of ideas submitted by teachers for integrating digital cameras into the curriculum, with links to sample projects created by students. Visitors will find reviews of different models and accessories, links to information on purchasing and prices, and a discussion of advantages and disadvantages of using digicams in the classroom. The section Student Assessment explores using digicams to create electronic portfolios. Users are invited to send in their own suggestions for uses for and links to digicam projects.