March 2001

Classical Net GRADE LEVEL: 6-12
This site offers a multitude of information regarding classical music, composers, periods in music, and how to appreciate and learn about classical works.
Pages are readable but not overly attractive. A few graphics were used.
This site is available in a frames version, a Java-frames version, and a basic version. The frames version makes moving around easier, but all versions were fairly well organized.
Teachers and students of music history will be interested in Classical Net. In addition to describing the different musical periods from medieval to modern, the site has a comprehensive index of composers from each period and a listing of their works. The author of the site accepts contributions of biographies of the composers who are not well represented. Classical Net has more than 3,800 links to other classical music Web sites. The site also offers a composer index with time lines, music reviews, a topical bibliography, articles, and links to classical music discussion groups and newsgroups.