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March 2001

Digital Librarian
GRADE LEVEL: 9-12, Professional

This site offers an extensive list of links to resources in nearly 100 categories. The listing ranges from such subjects as Performing Arts and Children's Literature to Sports, Shopping, and Travel.
Digital Librarian is a list of links -- simple and appropriate.
The list of links is alphabetical. Users need to use the back button to return to the home page.
This site provides a comprehensive resource for finding information on almost any subject. Margaret Vail Anderson, a librarian in Cortland, New York, maintains Digital Library, billed as "a librarian's choice of the best of the Web." The site appears to be updated on a regular basis, and each resource page includes the date and the name of the person who checked that the links remain current. Each page has a search link to Amazon.com and/or Google. Links to the Citations page and New Sites are also available on the main page. This site might be appropriate for student research and for educators who need information sources for a variety of subjects.