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February 2001

Annie E. Casey Foundation
GRADE LEVEL: Professional, Parents

This site was created to "provide the best available data and analysis on critical issues affecting struggling families and at-risk kids."

The simple, uncluttered format and wide margins make this site appealing and easy to read.

The main areas of the site are listed on the front page. All internal pages have top and bottom menu bars. An onsite search tool lets users find information quickly.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a nonprofit organization that seeks to improve the lives of disadvantaged children in the New England area. The materials collected here would be of use to anyone who shares the same ideal. Visitors will find information about family development, juvenile detention, rebuilding communities, tools for rebuilding foster care and improving the welfare system, and much more. Included on the site is the online version of the 2000 KIDS COUNT Data Book and Online Database, an interactive database of state and national indicators of child well being. Users can generate custom graphs, maps, ranked lists, and state-by-state profiles.