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January 2001

The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones provides a place where students and teachers around the world can share information about endangered species and habitats and develop a positive attitude about helping to preserve them.

The site uses photos of the animals in an uncomplicated format. Information is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

An index bar at the top of each page for the whole site makes navigating easy. Each of the main sections is subdivided and has a navigation menu on the left of the page in addition to the index bar at the top. The site also provides a handy on-site search tool and a site map.

Students and teachers will find this site, with a section devoted to each, to be a great resource. Students can participate in telecollaborative projects; find information on the different animals, their habitats, and their behaviors; meet the people who work to protect endangered animals and their habitats; and have their work published in the Wild Times, an online newspaper. There are some terrific curriculum activities for teachers to incorporate into their classes; for instance, Mealworm Locomotion and Monkey Movement for the classroom, Bird Feeder Observations and Wild Neighbors for the schoolyard, and tips and suggestions to give substance to field trips. In addition, the site provides a good list of resources and a teacher message board for networking with other teachers.