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August 2000

Music Education at DataDragon

This site offers a collection of tutorials and guides to music topics ranging from learning the names of instruments to reading music.

The site is mostly text with a few illustrative graphics. QuickTime is required for listening to sound clips.

The main sections of the site are listed in a table on the opening page. Pages are arranged in logical order, and users can navigate by following the arrows at the bottom of each page. There is also a bottom text menu for moving between the sections.

If you are a music student, teacher, or music lover, Music Education at DataDragon has something for you. The collection of guides and tutorials includes Learn and hear about musical instruments, Learn to read music, and Information on Musical Genres. Younger students will enjoy learning the names of the instruments and the sounds they make. Older students can learn about Clefs, Time Signatures, Types of Notes, Types of Rests, and Basic Counting in the Learn to read music tutorial. Music lovers will find information about musical genres, including Jazz, Rock, Classical, Reggae, Celtic, Country, and Blues. Artists are listed for each genre, and sound clips of their music are provided. This Day in Music History includes a searchable database of past events.