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August 2000
Updated JUNE, 2007

AACTE Education Policy Clearinghouse
GRADE LEVEL: Professional

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education provides the funding for this clearinghouse of educational policy at the national, regional, and state levels.

The graphics are appealing, and an image map leads users through the site.

The site is organized into regions so users can easily locate information. Users may click on the image map or click on the links in the right-side menu.

The AACTE Education Policy Clearinghouse contains a wealth of information on education policy at the national, regional, and state levels. Users will find the latest news on hot issues and research publications as well as links to education departments, regional news sources, and legislative updates. Included is a news wire page where users can check out the latest education news and headlines from the wire services. Quick Links takes users to a list of informative sites for each state. An archive of news announcements and a user-run bulletin board are also available.