The Hands On Plastics Web site is based on a kit developed by the National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA) and distributed for free by the American Plastics Council, a nonprofit organization.
The site uses interactivity and animation to capture the users' attention and give the site a somewhat high-tech appearance.
All areas of the site are easily accessible from the front-page image map. Internal pages have a top navigation bar.
Hands On Plastics offers inquiry-based science lessons that are tied to the National Science Education Standards. For example, in the Plastics Analysis Lab, students investigate the properties of density and gravity through a series of tests involving different liquids. Teachers will find background material on plastics for both students and teachers; interactive, animated, multimedia walk-throughs of hands-on activities; and easily downloaded lesson plans. Additionally, there are links to other related Web sites and information on ordering the free Hands On Plastics Kit.