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S I T E     R E V I E W
July 2000

The Dirksen Congressional Center


The Dirksen Congressional Center publishes and maintains the CongressLink home page as a service to teachers and students. It is a great source of new, up-to-date information about this branch of government and how it works.


The layout is uncluttered, mostly text, and appealing.


Information and links are presented in outline format. Visitors can find a left-side menu on all pages. An onsite search tool is available for locating information quickly.


Students and educators alike will find CongressLink an invaluable tool for civics classrooms. By typing in their ZIP code, students are immediately transported to detailed information about their representatives, including e-mail addresses, contact information, voting records, and committee assignments. Experts are available to help students locate, evaluate, and analyze information to improve their understanding of the workings of Congress. Teachers will find lesson plans and resources to engage their students in authentic learning at its best. Other resources for teachers include communication tools, historical materials, links to reviewed Web sites, assessment rubrics, resources for lesson planning, and an annotated version of the Constitution with hyperlinks. Online support materials for using the site include tips on navigating the Web and integrating the Internet into the classroom and grant opportunities.