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S I T E     R E V I E W
June 16, 2000

The CyberLibrarian's Reststop
GRADE LEVEL: 9-12, Professional

The CyberLibrarian's Reststop contains useful information on searching, developing virtual collections, and staying Web savvy.

The site is text based, with no graphic enhancements.

This site is well organized, and information is easy to access from the main page.

Do you need to brush up on your searching skills? Teachers and students alike will benefit from the six-lesson tutorial on Searching, Sleuthing, and Sifting. For librarians or educators wanting to build a virtual collection, there are tips and resources for locating the best sites as well as help on evaluating them. Included is a list of types of resources to include in a virtual collection and a collection of development tools. Users will also find a listing of resources for staying current with Web-based research tools and techniques.