June 1, 2000
Digital Bridges http://www.netc.org/digitalbridges/index.html GRADE LEVEL: Professional
Digital Bridges, a product of the Northwest Education Technology Consortium, gives teachers information on the various uses of videoconferencing technology in the classroom.
The pages have frames, but most of the information is in the main frame and is easy to follow. The graphics and text are minimal and clearly defined.
Each page has the same menu bar at the top and bottom of the page to allow users to navigate the site. Each section also has its own menu.
Digital Bridges answers every question you ever wanted to ask about using videoconference technology for instruction, communication, collaboration, or professional development. Users can explore the site from their own perspective through the "I'm a Teacher/Curriculum Planner" or "I'm an Administrator/Decisionmaker" sections. Teachers will find information on how to teach a class, the benefits for students and teachers, and necessary equipment as well as an Instructional Videoconferencing Session Plan that can be printed for use in planning. Administrators can read related research, check out the cost, find help for setting goals and addressing staffing issues, use work sheets for figuring costs, and more. Included are case studies of schools that have used videoconferencing in their classrooms.
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