April 1, 2000

Mr. Pitonyak's Pyramid Puzzle http://users.wcvt.com/tiggr/ GRADE LEVEL: 6-8
This Web-based, middle school math project takes students through the process of determining the cost of building an Egyptian pyramid today.
The rocky background competes with the text, making reading a little difficult.
The site presents directions and information in a simple outline format that makes navigation easy.
Have you ever wondered how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids and what the costs of such a venture would be today? Mr. Pitonyak's Pyramid Puzzle offers students the opportunity to answer those questions and more while practicing math skills such as determining area and volume and estimating. Students are asked to create a scale drawing and model of a pyramid and estimate the cost of building it, using "modern materials and ancient methods." The interdisciplinary project takes students back in time to explore the Egyptian pyramids, encourages collaborative groups, and provides all the necessary materials and information necessary to complete the project.