The Last G.A.S.P (Great Adventure to Scenic Places) Bicycle Tour chronicles the one-man, yearlong bicycle tour of Gary Nero as he travels around the United States visiting national and state parks. The Curriculum section offers project and activity ideas with four levels of difficulty: Level 1 (Information Seeking), Level 2 (Information Retrieval and Synthesis), Level 3 (Information Synthesis), and Level 4 (Problem Solving). Each level is designed with increasing difficulty and can stand alone or be used in sequence to build upon new skills. Teachers can choose which level is most appropriate for their students. Activities range from answering factual questions about the national parks to designing the perfect park. Students will enjoy solving the Pothole of the Week, a weekly math problem, and participating in the monthly contests. Photos, facts, chat rooms, a map of the journey, an Everglades WebQuest, and an Ask the Bicycle Expert section are also included. This site provides a great opportunity for students to learn about the geography of the United States, as well as information about the flora and fauna of our state and national parks.