January 16, 2000

ES2000 - Endangered Species of the Next Millennium http://library.advanced.org/25014/ GRADE LEVEL: 2-8 Written By: Hazel Jobe
ES2000 is a comprehensive site on endangered species created by students for students. This ThinkQuest entry includes such informational sections as What? Why? and How? Species Profiles and Media Gallery.
The site features graphics beautifully created from animal photographs. The brown and green color scheme is in keeping with the nature theme.
Navigation is made easy with the bars above and below the main frame. There are also links for good connectivity between pages and a site map for an overall view of what's available. It would be pretty hard to get lost on a site this user-friendly.
This site has it all! It's not only useful for students doing projects on endangered species but equally useful in educating the public on the urgency of protecting these species. There is an extensive list of endangered species profiles sorted by name, genus, species, and distribution. Lots of information on the current situation of the endangered species, basic causes of extinction, and what you can do to help is available in the content sections. The Media Gallery includes more than 100 photos of endangered species, sound clips, and a virtual tour of the San Diego Zoo via video clips. You will need RealPlayer installed to access the sounds and video. Students can demonstrate their creativity by adding to the Adventure Story, test their knowledge with the Quizzes, state their opinions in the Forum, or submit their own interesting information and inspirational words to the Facts & Quotes section. This is one site you'll want to bookmark!
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