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Site Review: Tammy’s Technology Tips for Teachers



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Content:  Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers offers very basic technology tips in easy-to-use format. The site offers a new tip each week. The tips range from sharing Excel formulas that would be useful in the classroom to Google activities and other ideas. The site is fairly diverse with no specific focus.

Design:  The site does not have much of a design, offering only some straightforward navigation and a list of the most recent links. It's simple and not too hard on the eyes. 

Review:  This is not a site to visit if you need something specific. It is, however, a nice site to bookmark and revisit. The tips are useful, and you never know what week Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers will have something useful to you.

Bottom Line:  A fun and often useful site, Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers offers practical tips that are worth checking every once in a while.  




Article by Daniel B. Kline, Education World Contributing Editor
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