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October, 2008

Tracking the Buffalo
The Smithsonian goes "where the buffalo roam."
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8

This activity from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History explores the role of the buffalo in the lives of the American Indians of the northern plains.
The site is well organized and visually attractive. It has a left side menu that leads to the main areas as well as a bottom navigation menu.

This interactive activity helps students to understand the importance of the buffalo to the livelihood of the northern plains Indians. You be the Historian encourages students to explore the pictures on the buffalo hide to interpret the stories that they tell. There are informative articles on buffalo hide painting, the artists, what the Indians made from the buffalo, a bibliography for further reading and background information about the origins of the Plains Indians and a map showing where they dwelled. Students can also create their own buffalo hide painting. A section for teachers provides goals, overviews and classroom activities.


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