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May, 2008

Picturing America
National Endowment for the Humanities site on U.S. art and history.
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Picturing America from the National Endowment for the Humanities offers teachers innovative resources and information for teaching American History and culture using Americas art treasures.
The site is aesthetically pleasing and well organized. There is a navigation bar at the bottom of the main page and subsequent pages offer a left side menu.

This innovative free resource provides teachers with an engaging way to teach American History, culture and other subjects. It introduces students to Americas art treasures through high quality reproductions of notable American art including "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere," "Washington Crossing the Delaware," and "Looking Down Yosemite Valley". Visitors to the site can peruse the image gallery by clicking the right arrow to scroll through the images, roll the mouse over the interactive boxes at the bottom of the page or sort the images by theme. Themes include leadership, freedom & equality, democracy, courage, landscapes, and creativity & ingenuity. There is also an illustrated teachers resource book with activities organized by elementary, middle and high school levels. K-12 schools, home school consortia, and public libraries are invited to apply for a set of 20 laminated posters and the teachers resource book to use in their classrooms.


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