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May, 2008





Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age
Copyrights and copy wrongs for middle and high school.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12

Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age (IPR) is sponsored and made available to teachers for free by Microsoft. It offers educators a broad based curriculum for middle and high school students that is designed to foster a greater understanding of intellectual property.
The site has a simple design with a top navigation bar. Registration is required to access the curriculum but it is free.

With students spending so much time online, it is vital that they understand how to act in this environment. The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Education Curriculum program was developed to create awareness around the value of intellectual property, to foster a better understanding of the rights associated with creative content, and, ultimately, to instill in students a personal respect for IPR in a way that changes their behaviors and perceptions about digitally delivered content. Teachers will find a set of cross curricular classroom activities that are organized into four thematic units: what is intellectual property, intellectual property rights and the laws that protect the creative process, copyright infringement as it pertains to downloading music, and how to use intellectual property in a legal and responsible way. The units include background information, guiding questions, case study, and assessments. Students will enjoy the interactive Website, MyBytes, where they can experiment with their own creativity by creating, publishing and sharing their own ringtones, and learn what artists, singers and songwriters think about intellectual property rights.


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