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Rich-media math resources from Cambridge for students grades 3-12.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


NRICH publishes free online mathematics enrichment resources that are designed to develop subject knowledge and problem solving skills for students of all ages. It is based in the University of Cambridges Faculty of Education and Centre of Mathematical Sciences.
This creative site offers navigation menus at the top of the page and on the right side. An on-site search tool is also available.

Teachers and students will find that NRICH provides a variety of rich media content -- including games, interactive puzzles, and movies -- that teaches various concepts in math. New content is published each month and there is also an archive of past months. The problems are selected each month to offer a variety of skills at different age levels, along with supporting materials such as hints and teachers' notes. The comprehensive teachers' section offers a plethora of valuable resources, such as articles, games, and research papers. Teachers will find the packages -- bundles of resources that can be viewed online or downloaded for offline use -- particularly useful. The Maths Finder offers visitors a way to find problems by choosing from more than two dozen curriculum topics. Additionally, there is an "Ask NRICH" web-board that is monitored by a team of mathematicians who are ready to answer your math questions.


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