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April, 2008

The Molecular Workbench Museum of Models
Simulations on the molecular level at this highly interactive site.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12

This site from the Concord Consortium with funding from the National Science Foundation is a collection of interactive simulations and learning activities that have been produces using the Molecular Workbench, a free, open-source software program that can be downloaded at the site.
The site has a simple design. The content is grouped into five subject categories with links on the main page. A keyword search is also available.

The Molecular Workbench Museum offers teachers and students help for understanding scientific principles. The five divisions of the site are biology, chemistry, physics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology. Each section contains several simulations resulting from calculations based on scientific principles. Users can explore biological molecules and zoom in on the macromolecules from which living things are made or discover how, genetic information stored in DNA is read by cells and used to build proteins that cells need and how on the molecular scale things can assemble themselves in the biology section. The chemistry section offers simulations of thermodynamics, states of matter, water and solution, and reactions. Visitors to the site will find interactive visualizations such as ion transport, distillation, motion of greenhouse gases, intermolecular forces, chemical reactions, explosion and more. Physics includes simulations that demonstrate concepts in mechanics, waves, fluid mechanics and dynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum physics that cover such topics as Pascals Principle, Newtons Cradle, electroscopes, light-matter interactions, Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy, and more. Biotechnology and nanotechnology offer simulations on biotech, materials science, nano applications, and nano machinery,


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