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March, 2008

Algebra & Trigonometry
Strong site that accompanies a Prentice Hall advanced math text.
Grade Level: 9-12

This site offers resources that are designed to accompany a textbook authored by Robert Blitzer and include study guides for each chapter, PowerPoint slides, interactive quizzes, and tests.
This resource is well organized with the chapter numbers across the top of the page and the chapter content list in the left margin. PowerPoint Viewer is needed as well as Aladdin Stuffit Expander or other decompression software.

This online trigonometry resource is a real find for students who need to brush up on their skills or delve into the study of trigonometry. Teachers who are using this text in their classrooms will also find these materials useful. There are a number of interactive quizzes that accompany each chapter of the book as well as chapter tests, objectives, study guides and PowerPoint presentations for each chapter. The chapters cover topics from the fundamental concepts of algebra to sequences, induction and probability. Many of these educational resources can be used alone but some require the use of the textbook.


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