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October 2007

Adventures in Education
A powerful site about preparing and paying for higher education.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12

Education World first visited this site in 1996, and the site has had considerable updates since that time. Adventures in Education (AIE) has invaluable information online to assist students, parents, teachers, and counselors in preparing for and financing higher education.
The site is divided into seven specific areas for the different audiences. These are linked at the top of the main page, and general links are found in the left sidebar. Internal pages have a left-side menu of choices for that section. The site is also available in Spanish, has a handy sitemap, and is fully searchable.

Adventures in Education (AIE) is an information-packed site with resources and information for anyone interested in planning for and financing higher education. Middle school, high school, and college students, parents, teachers, librarians, and counselors will find sections devoted entirely to their interests. Students can learn about how to pick a career by accessing their interests and developing a career plan, or learn how to pick schools by gathering information and evaluating their characteristics. There is also information on applying for college, paying for college, and a searchable database of over 10,000 scholarships as well as links for homework help. Parents will find answers to financial aid questions, savings options, and a chart of college costs. Free resources are available for teachers to help meet the requirements for teaching financial and money management skills to students. Additionally, visitors to the site can view a financial calendar to stay on track with the college admissions process, frequently asked questions about careers, planning, choosing your college, applying, paying and jobs, and an English-Spanish glossary of standard terms relating to student financial aid and postsecondary education.


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