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Kids Vid
An online film school for teachers and students.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12


Kids Vid provides resources and information for teachers and students who want to implement video production in the classroom.
This site is well organized and easily navigated in a number of ways. There is a top and bottom menu bar as well as graphic links to the various sections on the main page. Subsequent pages have a left side bar as well as links on the right to other areas. QuickTime is required to view the videos.

Teachers interested in producing video as part of their project-based learning will find lots of tools and information at Kids Vid. Students will enjoy displaying their work in this engaging way that is appropriate for a wide range of grade levels. Information is available on how to script a video, including a storyboard tool; how to produce a movie, including setting up a shot, lighting, and audio; how to edit using music and effects; and how to compress a movie into various formats. There is a teachers section with lessons on how to integrate video production into the curriculum as well as tips for improving video techniques, advice from other kids, and ways to use video in class. The theater showcases some of the work that classes have submitted to the site.


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Copyright © 2009 Education World

Updated 2009