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March 2007

The Educators Bridge
From earth to earth science rich resources and practical features.
Grade Level: Professional, Parents

This site from the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado provides lessons and guides for teaching about earth science.
The well organized site is divided into three categories by grade level: elementary, middle, and high school. Internal pages have the annotated links arranged alphabetically.

The Educators Bridge is a rich resource for the science teacher. It provides materials, resources, and tools for teaching about a broad range of earth science topics such as weather, the sun, carbons role in climate change, clouds, storms, the water cycle, biodiversity, and others. The ready-to-use guides and lesson plans provide hands-on, inquiry-focused activities that build literacy and science skills. Handouts full of weather experiments about clouds, storms, and biodiversity are available to download in .PDF format and use in the classroom. Complete teachers guides include Teaching Earth and Atmospheric Science, for elementary and middle grades, and Climate Discovery, for middle and high school. This would also be a good site for parents who home-school.


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