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October 2006

BLM Learning Landscapes
Strong site from the Bureau of Land Management.
GRADE LEVEL: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

This page was created by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Environmental Education & Volunteers Group and offers resources and information for teachers and students on a variety of topics, from archaeology to water resources
The site has a simple interface with the content categorized into three sections: Teachers, Students and Explorers. Each of the sections is marked with a graphic on the homepage and internal pages have graphical links to areas within the section. A search tool is also available.

The BLM Learning Landscapes site offers teachers and students information and resources on such topics as energy conservation, ecosystems, archaeology, paleontology and much more. Teachers will find classroom activities for math, science, social studies, art and language arts; connections to standards, an interactive energy conservation program and other articles and resources. Students will find fun games and puzzles, an interactive site "Fire in Wildhorse Basin," career information, articles from professionals on the job and homework help on topics ranging from archaeology to wildlife. The Explorers section has links to energy resources, the history mystery "Ghostly Towns," and service opportunities on public lands. The Lifetime Learning link in this section is a great starting point for researching student projects.



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