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Action for Healthy Kids
Info, a Wellness Challenge, and much more!
GRADE LEVEL: Professional, Parents

Action for Healthy Kids is a partnership of over fifty public and private agencies that focuses on changes in schools to improve nutrition and increase physical activity. It provides information, resources, news releases, fact sheets, and more.
The site has a navigation menu in the upper left corner of the main page. Each section is easily navigated with a top menu bar.

This is a great resource for administrators, teachers, and parents to find information on improving nutrition and increasing physical activity in their schools. It includes a "Resources to Improve Schools" database of changes that schools can make toward this end. The database can be searched by topic from a pull down menu. Included are such topics as after school programs, childhood obesity, physical activity, school meal programs, vending snack stores, and more. The events section includes "Game On! The Ultimate Wellness Challenge," a back-to-school effort to promote nutrition, physical activity, and learning. The Game On! Toolkit provides everything needed to host a challenge in your school. It includes a challenge course guide with step-by-step information on setting up the stations and instructions for course layout and a course map as well as fact sheets for parents, handouts for students, and promotional materials. Also included is a Newsroom with information on key child health and nutrition issues.



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