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March 2006

Science and Photography Through the Microscope
Library of microscopic images a boon to the visual learner.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

This digital image library was created by Dennis Kunkel Ph.D. It includes more than 1500 images of scientific, biological, and medical subjects that were photographed using light and electron microscopes. There are items here for sale and the images are under copyright. Be sure to request permission for use in classroom projects.
The site is well organized and easily navigated. The top navigation bar as well as the table of graphics contains links to all the main areas of the site. The image library can be searched by keyword or using the advanced search option and browsed by any of thirteen categories. A help page for using the site is also available.

The Education Image Library is the place to begin exploring this site. Microscopy images are grouped into thirteen categories: Algae, Arachnids, Bacteria, Crystals, Fungi & Slime Molds, Insects, Invertebrates, Medical, Miscellaneous, Plants, Protozoa, Vertebrates, and Viruses. Each thumbnail can be enlarged by clicking on the image. Interactive features include the Virtual SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) that puts users at the control panel of the SEM and the Zoom In! section that lets users study the detailed anatomy of insects using images from a powerful Scanning Electron Microscope. Another fun part of the site is "The Most Wanted Bugs." Here users can view the "Bug Mugs" and the "Bug Bodies," by clicking on a mug or body brings up a record that gives the scientific name, description, diet, habitat, wanted for and last known location as well as a larger image. Additionally, the site includes information on the science of microscopy and links to related sites.



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