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October 2005
Updated JUNE, 2007
Sound recordings from Roosevelt to Nixon – an amazing resource.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12

This site hosted and maintained by the Presidential Recordings Program at the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs makes the recordings of six American Presidents from 1940-1973 available online for scholars, teachers, students, and the public to “hear and use these remarkable tapes for themselves”.
A left side navigation menu offers access to the recordings by President as well as to the transcripts, exhibits, news, resources, etc. A search tool is also available for finding information quickly. To get the most from the site users will need Macromedia Flash Player, Acrobat Viewer, Windows Media Player and QuickTime.

American history students and teachers as well as the general public will be interested in the almost 5,000 hours of conversations that were secretly recorded by six American Presidents from 1940-1973. Users will find full transcripts and audio recordings from Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. Listen as President Nixon speaks to Mark Felt about the Watergate cover up, President Johnson explains his economic policy, or President Kennedy as he discusses removing troops from Vietnam. A number of virtual exhibits are available including such topics as Vietnam: Gulf of Tonkin, 1964, Civil Rights: Mississippi Burning, 1964, Space: JFK and the Space Race, 1962, and The Nixon Presidency, 30 Years Later. Included is a section that highlights tapes that are related to current news stories. This is a great site for students that may be researching any of these six presidents or any of the events related to their Presidency.


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