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February 2005

NeMO: New Millennium Observatory
Site of an undersea observatory at an active underwater volcano.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

NeMO is a seafloor observatory at an active underwater volcano. This multimedia site from NOAA allows students to explore a seafloor observatory geographically or by topic. It includes animations, fly-through movies and panoramas as well as materials for educators.
There is a left side navigation menu that leads to the main areas of the site. Subsequent pages have a top and bottom navigation bar. Macromedia Shockwave and Quicktime are required.

The site of this underwater observatory is Axial Seamount, an active volcano located off the coast of Oregon and Washington where two of the Earth’s tectonic plates move apart causing small earthquakes and sometimes magma intrusions and volcanic eruptions. This Website offers information and resources for studying seafloor animals, hydrothermal vents, mid-ocean ridges, axial volcano, lava flow, and tools and technology. The NeMO Explorer allows students to take virtual tours of the ocean floor with a panorama, fly through and video clips or browse the collection of information related to the research. Additionally, students can choose their dive site and remotely control ROPOS, A remotely operated vehicle used at NeMO, to explore black smoker vents, new lava flows and unusual life forms. Curriculum materials include an introduction and background information, classroom activities, movies and animations, answer keys and additional resources for teachers. All curriculum materials can be used online or downloaded in your choice of .pdf, html or PowerPoint and used offline


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