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November 2004

Chemicals, the Environment, and You
A National Institutes of Health curriculum supplement, free online.
Grade Level: 6-8

The National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences present "Chemicals, and the Environment, and You." The site provides teachers a complete standards-based unit that introduces students to the relationship between chemicals in the environment and human health.
This site has a simple design and navigation is intuitive. Main areas of the site are listed as a table of contents on the main page as well as in the top navigation bar. QuickTime and Macromedia Flash Player are required.

This is a ready to use module for middle school science and health teachers. It covers broad general science topics such as the chemical composition of all matter, chemicals in the environment, human health and medicine, individual variation/susceptibility, risk assessment and management, and scientific methods. The module contains six standards-based lessons that focus on the science of toxicology and introduce students to the ways scientists learn about and measure how chemicals can both help and harm human health. In addition to the introduction and how to implement the module, the Teacher’s Guide includes the lesson plans with instructions for use, handouts and transparencies, references and resources and a library of all the materials in .pdf format for downloading and printing. Additionally, there are Web-based student activities to complement each lesson such as an interactive periodic table, a dose response experiment and much more.


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