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September 2004

Open Wide and Trek Inside
Early grades oral health site. Say "Ahh!"
Grade Level: Pre-K-2

Open Wide and Trek Inside is a product of the National Institutes of Health curriculum supplement series. This interactive multimedia module is aimed at teaching students K-2 important concepts about oral health.
This very well-designed has been produced in English and Spanish with a version that is accessible to individuals with disabilities in both languages. It is easily navigated even for young children with links to the three main areas on the main page. Flash Player and QuickTime are required.

Young students will love learning about oral health with this engaging site. This site offers inquiry-based instructional materials that promote active learning and goes beyond the basics of oral hygiene by focusing on the science of the oral environment. Students will examine the mouth and its purposes, tooth decay. oral disease, and bacteria that live in the mouth while learning to take proper care of their mouths and teeth. The integrated lesson plans include science, language arts, mathematics, and health and are correlated to National Science Curriculum Standards. The Teachers' Guide includes information, six lessons, hands-on classroom activities, assessments, masters, references, and resources. The Student section offers the interactive multimedia module that complements the classroom lessons and includes video clips, animations, and interactive games that enhance students understanding of the concepts.


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