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April 2004
Updated July 2009

Native Access to Engineering Programme
Site on engineering, aimed at Aboriginal youth, but of interest to all.
Grade Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

This site was created by the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Quebec, Canada, to encourage Aboriginal youth to stay in school and pursue post-secondary studies in the pure and applied sciences. The online learning modules are relevant to elementary and secondary students anywhere.
This interactive site is designed with some snappy programming. Flash Player and QuickTime Player are needed and can be downloaded at the site.
Access to the materials at this site is easily accessible in a variety of ways. There is a site map, an on-site search tool, a top menu bar and a left side navigation menu

The Native Access Engineering Program (NAEP) offers teachers and students resources, interactive learning modules, and lesson plans designed to reach native "students at the elementary and secondary levels to encourage them to stay in school and keep studying math and science." In addition to the culturally relevant information about all different types of engineering, the site provides teachers with curriculum materials. Each set of materials, available in .pdf format, includes a newsletter, worksheets, and teacher's guide. Topics include energy, structures, simple machines, environment, construction, flight, and much more. Students can use the interactive learning modules to learn at their own pace about such topics as flight, computers, construction, simple machines and more. The site also presents background information about a variety of engineering fields as well as information about practicing Native scientists and engineers as role models. Included is a collection of related links, articles, and activities to learn more about the world of engineering.


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