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April 2004
Updated JUNE, 2007

Robert Louis Stevenson Web Site
With e-texts, including the complete poems.
Grade Level: 6-8, 9-12, Advanced, Professional

This site provides information, links, primary documents, and writings by and about Robert Louis Stevenson, the prominent nineteenth century writer.
This site is not very polished, but it is easy to navigate and offers a complete and interesting list of resources about this notable writer.
Links to the various areas of the site are listed on the main page of the site. Internal pages have a top navigation menu and a link back to the homepage.

The Robert Louis Stevenson Web Site provides information and resources about the life and works of this distinguished author. It would be a great starting point for students writing a research paper on Stevenson and his works. The site contains an outline of Stevenson's life and works with links to biographical essays, extended bibliographies, links to e-text of his works including his most famous novels, Treasure Island and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and a gallery of photos. An interesting part of the site especially for those doing research is the Critical Reception section dealing with how his work has been received and the opinions of other writers as well as his influence on them. Included are links to other related Websites.


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